Create and manage multi-user accounts
With a multi-user account, you can use [MNR_ProductName] as a team or manage the newsletters for several companies without getting in each other's way. Each user has their own account with their own templates, drafts and recipient lists.
If you have ordered an account for several users, you will first receive an administration account. This account cannot be used to create newsletters, it is only used to manage your sub-accounts and to grant access to the dispatch logs of all mailings sent by your team.
Creation of new sub-accounts
When logging into an administration account for the first time, no sub-accounts exist yet. This is why the window for creating a new account is displayed:
Use the following dialog to create a new account:

Enter your name and e-mail address and assign a password. The sending IP is fixed and is determined by the provider. You can freely assign the e-mail volume in increments of 500.
With one click on Save the account is saved and an ID is automatically assigned to the user account. This consists of the ID of the administration account followed by _xxxx, where _xxx is a consecutive number, e.g. _1001 for the first sub-account. With this ID and the assigned password, you can now log in to the sub-account and use it.
In the following example, three sub-accounts have already been created:

If you have a large number of sub-accounts, you can find a specific account by entering text in the "Find" field. Click on one of the entries to call up the settings for an account:

You can edit the name, e-mail address, password and e-mail volume at any time; the sending IP is specified by the provider.
In the lower half of the dialog, there is a graph showing the volume of e-mail used over the last few months.
With the link Log in it is possible to log in to the sub-account. A special link with a one-time key is generated for this purpose:

Click on the link Open account opens the sub-account in a new browser tab and logs in automatically. The one-time key is automatically deleted.
Here you can assign various authorizations to the sub-accounts:
- Forms Activates or deactivates the form function for the sub-account
- Complete tracking allows the user to use full click/view tracking, in which the email addresses of recipients are assigned to an action. If the option is not active, it is only possible to switch off tracking or use anonymous tracking.
- Download log data allows you to download shipping and tracking logs
- Download mailing lists allows the download of lists
All authorizations are activated by default.