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Button element

The button element is a multifunctional button. It can be centered, left-aligned or right-aligned. The function is determined by the options on the hyperlink panel:

SCREENSHOT: Functions for buttons in forms
In addition to the familiar options for setting hyperlinks, buttons in forms also have the option Execute function.
- Create new entry sends the form, initiates a single or double opt-in and creates a new address entry in each case. This means that several address entries can be created with the same e-mail address.
- Update entry submits the form and checks whether there is already an entry with the specified e-mail address. If so, the data is updated, otherwise a new entry is created. If the e-mail address is changed, a double opt-in is carried out if necessary.
- Add to blacklist adds the specified e-mail address to the system-wide block list, which prevents future e-mails from being sent by this system (apart from double opt-in verification requests).
- Close form closes the open form if it is a pop-up form.
Hint window
When the form is sent, the system displays a message window informing you of the current status. The background is slightly darkened. The font and the color of the OK button correspond to the color used in the form, the text cannot currently be changed.

If the language set in the browser of your website visitor is not German, the information will be displayed in English, French, Italian, Polish or Spanish.